The Pirate Assembly
It is like a ship / Like a shipwreck / This abandoned place / Abandoned / Empty / It is like a ship / Abandoned / Capsized / Turned over / Lost / On the island of the urban center / It is like a ship / The island of resistance / This ship and the island / The territory and the horizon around / What can we find here / To hide in the ship / To occupy / It is like an empty fortress / This abandoned ship / Around which the population and the political territories exist / This ship becomes an autonomous figure / It takes over / It introduces something else / The pirate / The pirate imagination
The work is staged with a group of six performers who undertake a series of individual and collaborative gestures, movements, actions that aim for a solidary configuration. They follow the sound of a voice amplified in the space, who speaks of ships and lost cities, co-operative economies and pirate care, whispering into the empty halls and rooms of an abandoned building far away. We are led into a strange journey, a composition of love and rebellion, the self-organized and the hopeful, which finds guidance from a range of communal initiatives (from the Ungovernable social center in Madrid to the Hobo Colleges everywhere).
Live performance with Clara Sindal Mosconi, Malin Bengtsson, Frida Vikström, Audrey Hurd, Jone André Tou, Nicolai Risbjerg Møller-Nielsen. Including audio-video projection, choreographed and improvised movement.
May 25th, 2018, as part of The Freedom Room: Symposium on socially engaged art, Bergen International Culture Center.