The Human Strike
Errant Bodies Press, Berlin, 2018
This recording stems from a collaborative sound experimentation developed as part of a project to create new forms for artistic research within the university. Invited artists, musicians, and researchers produced a series of sound actions focusing on questions of community, creative resistances, sonic agency and the créolité passing between Haiti and Quebec.
The Human Strike was developed and presented as part of SON/CONTEXTE, a research framework initiated by Julie Faubert. SON/CONTEXTE arises from the desire to create new contexts for artistic research within the university. The artist Brandon LaBelle was invited to give form to a contextual sound experimentation in collaboration with Marc-Antoine Cloutier, Stéphanie Letarte, and Fanny Levy, from École d’art (Université Laval). Between January 29th and February 2nd, 2018, a series of musical / sonic actions and exchanges were developed and recorded at Avatar sound lab, along with Emmanuel Delly, a Hatian drummer living in Quebec City. Focusing on questions of community, creative resistances, sonic agency and the créolité passing between Haiti and Quebec, a set of five songs were produced. The final mixes were presented in a live diffusion at L’Anti Bar on February 2nd, 2018.
Developed and recorded with with Marc-Antoine Cloutier, Stéphanie Letarte, and Fanny Levy, Emmanuel Delly, Brandon LaBelle, 2018.